Paediatric Dentistry

To ensure that young children maintain good dental health throughout their childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, it is critical to teach in them healthy oral hygiene practises at an early age. As soon as their first milk teeth have emerged, you should make an appointment for a checkup, and then continue to do so once every six months after that.

Why is it important for children to have regular dental check-ups?

Children go through a period of rapid development during which they will first acquire, then lose, and finally obtain an additional set of teeth. Because there is so much going on, it is imperative that a dentist do routine check-ups on your child's teeth. Visits to the dentist on a consistent basis can help children understand the significance of keeping good oral health and establish a typical cleaning regimen. This will encourage children to start caring for their teeth at an early age.

When should I take my child to the dentist for the first time?

We strongly recommend that parents take their children to the dentist as soon as their child's first tooth has emerged. You should start bringing your child to your dental practise at a young age so that they may develop accustomed to the surroundings, including all of the sights, sounds, and scents that they may encounter there.

What are the most prevalent dental problems that need to be treated in children?

If a child's teeth are found to have a problem by a dentist, the problem will most likely be related to the child's development or condition. Because children's teeth are nearly always developing — first their milk teeth, then their adult teeth — problems can arise with the position of the teeth or the direction in which they grow. A crooked smile can be caused by your genes, sucking your thumb, or getting hit in the mouth. Braces are a great tool for realigning teeth once they have finished growing into their adult positions. When it comes to cleanliness, tooth decay is a typical problem among children. The primary cause of this problem is an excessive consumption of sugary or acidic foods and drinks.

State Of The Art Facilities

Paediatric Dentistry

You may lessen the severity of tooth decay by restricting the number of sugary snacks that your child is allowed to enjoy on a daily basis and encourage them to consume sugar only when they are eating.

Outside of the dentist's clinic, what are some things children should do to take care of their teeth?

It is important for children to develop the routine of brushing their teeth twice every day. Employ a toothbrush that is made specifically for children, and if they are too little to do it themselves, it is ideal if you brush their teeth for them using a child-sized toothbrush. Remember to brush their tongue as well as their gums and the rear surface of their teeth when you are cleaning their teeth. After they have finished brushing their teeth, your child should be encouraged to spit away the toothpaste. For the best prevention against cavities, we suggest using fluoride toothpaste.

What should I do if I'm worried about my child's anxiety at the dentist?

Research have shown that if parents take their children to the dentist when they are still young, those children are much less likely to experience anxiety in later years when it comes to dental care. The atmosphere at our practise is one that is kind and inviting to children. In order to put anxious patients at ease as much as possible, our medical professionals are kind and welcoming, and they share a wealth of knowledge. In addition, our treatment rooms are lively and well-lit.


Thank you so much to @smilehubhubdentalclinic for sorting me out with a last minute cracked tooth! 💕🙏

Suzanne Jackson


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