Dental Fillngs

A frequent dental condition is tooth decay. It is brought on by plaque accumulation on the teeth reacting with oral sweets to produce dangerous acids that eat away at the enamel and dentine. Cavities are created by this damage, which can cause sensitivity and tooth pain. Your dentist will remove the decay and seal the tooth with a dental filling in order to preserve the health of your tooth. Before filling the cavity and polishing it for a flawless finish, they will use a small drill and air abrasion to remove the deteriorated tissue while using local anaesthesia.

State Of The Art Facilities

What varieties of fillings are offered?

Silver, tin, mercury, copper, and other metals are combined in amalgam fillings. They are a reasonable alternative. Metal fillings are not always preferred by patients, especially if the damaged tooth is located near the front of the mouth. Composite, a tooth-coloured substance made of glass and acrylic resin with some resin added for colour, is a great cosmetic and least invasive choice for the patient. Your dentist can keep more of your natural tooth by using composite. In some instances, decayed regions can be removed by air abrasion without pain or drilling, making this the perfect pre-filling preparation. Composite fillings are a fairly common procedure at Smile Hub Dental Clinic because they have significantly increased in strength in recent years.


Thank you so much to @smilehubhubdentalclinic for sorting me out with a last minute cracked tooth! 💕🙏

Suzanne Jackson


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